Special Events
Recommended Special Events:
Fall Festival: A fall celebration featureing haunted house, craft tables, games, contests, bounce houses, pony rides, slides, laser tag and other activies such as candy apples, tattoos, face painting, etc.
Holiday Traditions: A holiday celebration including photographs with Santa Claus, trolley ride through the neighborhood, snow slide, holiday decorations, hot chocolate, s’mores and more.
Spring Fling: Activities include Easter Egg Hunt, DJ, crafts and contests.
Ice Cream Social: Ice cream and beverages with contests, raffles and games.
Tiny Tots Soccer: A soccer league for kids ages 4-6 years old. Teams play on Fridays and have parent recruits as coaches. The teams are provided with an end of season party with food, dessert, trophies and coaches playques.
Kids Night Out/Teens Night: Hosted Friday night (4x per year) where kids get the night out to swim, play games and eat with all of their friends at the amenity center.
Kindergarten Ice Cream Party: School bus will pick up the children at bus stops throughout the neighborhood and take them to the amenity center for an ice cream social.
Community Garage Sale: A bi-yearly event where homes throughout the neighborhood host garage sales. Advertisements will be provided on Craigslist and newspaper. Signage will also be distributed throughout the community.
Summer Camp: A 9-week summer camp with different sessions and thems for 30 campers per week. Every week features a different field trip, art activities, sports and games. Campers are provided with a t-shirt, daily snacks and extended care to accommodate parents needs. A similar camp can be offered during spring break.